As long as we remain "offended", we'll never be able to ask why. Why something is the way it is, or why someone is the way they are, or why something is happening.
Being offended by something just proves how self-centered we've become.
When the words or actions of others have to be pre-approved by us, then we've effectively made ourselves (and our view of the world), a god. This makes everyone else around us subject to our demands, desires, and limitations.
This stifles relationships, and throws any kind of equality or partnership out the window.
This also crushes creativity and freedom, because now the people around us aren't free to discover their own paths or purposes, or giftings, or strengths on their own; they have to conform to a worldview that's only as big as we are.
God forbid those around us have a purpose that's different from ours.
But fear does that, doesn't it.
It keeps us focused on ourselves, paralyzing us into a short of self- preservation mode, which we then project onto everyone around us.
Maybe the next time we're offended, we should focus on something that isn't us.
We might just learn something.
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